New Jersey

The NFL Offends My Walking Sensabilities by Kevin Swantek

I had read about this issue several weeks ago, and now it's popping up again, and because Seattle is in the Superbowl, I suppose it's relevant to the guy who blogs about walking. The gist of it is that the NFL won't allow attendees to walk to New Jersery's Superbowl stadium. You must be shuttled in, and that shuttle will cost you $51.

You Can’t Walk to the Super Bowl Because You Are the NFL’s Personal ATM

This hits a nerve on two levels. As is, I've been going through an intense evaluation of how I'm spending my money, and what I can do to put a little more into my savings account. I'm actually going to write a longer piece on that topic this Monday, but needless to say after food, rent, and bills there's not a lot leftover for me to squirrel away. The idea that someone like any of us, who is operating on a budget can't choose to walk to the Superbowl is ridiculous. To me it feels more like a money grab, than an issue of infrastructure & logistics, and that actually really bothers me.

On the second level of how this strikes the wrong nerve, I can't help but wonder how when we all live in America, one can't make a personal choice to walk from a hotel to the Superbowl if one wants to. Is this really an issue of infrastructure and logistics? Really? Don't get me started on the fact America's obesity epidemic is still a growing problem, and that walking should be encouraged at every opportunity, but when did America also become so dysfunctional that it can't handle foot traffic to a stadium? Something is terribly wrong, and I'm little disheartened by all of this.

Read the article linked above, and feel my outrage.